Ealing Council is carrying out consultation on a first draft of its new Local Plan. The existing local plan for the Borough is made up of a 2012 Core Strategy and a 2013 Development Sites DPD.
It is one of the most outdated local plans of any London Borough. Hence a source of regular concern from local people that the Council’s Planning Committee takes a very cavalier approach to deciding whether applications conform with ‘planning policy’.
Details of the Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan are here on the LBE website. The consultation was originally due to close on January 25th 2023 but we hear that it will be extended for a further two weeks.
The new Local Plan for Ealing will not cover that part of the Borough which lies within the OPDC boundary. The OPDC Local Plan, with its policies and site allocations, will continue to apply in this part of Ealing.
This Regulation 18 version should be followed by a further Regulation 19 version in autumn 2023 – once comments and feedback from residents, landowners, developers, and interested public agencies are taken on board.
You can comment directly to the Council by emailing to localplan@ealing.gov.uk . Or if you prefer to send any thoughts to us at the Old Oak Neighbourhood Forum, you can send them to oonforum@gmail.com and we will incorporate them in our response.
We will be commenting mainly on the part of the Draft Local Plan which covers ‘Acton’. This is one of the seven ‘Towns’ around which the new Local Plan is being structured as shown in the map above. Note that this ‘Town’ does not include the increasingly notorious ‘North Acton Cluster’ of very tall buildings. This lies within the OPDC boundary.
We are working with Ealing Matters in putting together our response. Following discussion at the OONF and Grand Union Alliance meeting on January 3rd 2023, they have provided us with several working documents to assist in preparing a response to the Draft Plan. This includes a helpful set of slides as well as other more detailed material:
Ealing Matters Local PLan slides
Ealing Matters High Level notes