The Government has been consulting on a set of changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). This document is the core set of guidance for local planning authorities, first published in 2012 and revised several times since then.
These latest revisions are linked to Government proposals to reinstate mandatory housing targets for each planning authority in England. The figures for these targets, derived from a new algorithm or ‘standard formula’ have features widely in the media as they involve significant uplifts – particularly for Boroughs in central London.
In reality, housing targets for London Boroughs are set by the Mayor of London in the London Plan. The 2021 London Plan is at the early stages of a revision. The OPDC area does not feature in the list of theoretical London targets, as the data used in the formula is not available for an area that crosses parts of three local authorities.
There are other aspects of the NPPF consultation which have implications for the OPDC area. We have submitted a response, a copy of which can be downloaded below.